First, what is market value and why is this important? Market Value is defined as “The most probable price, as of a specified date, in cash, or in terms equivalent to cash, or in other precisely revealed terms, for which the specified property rights should sell after reasonable exposure in a competitive market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, with the buyer and seller each acting prudently, knowledgeably, and for self-interest, and assuming that neither is under undue duress.”
An appraisal report usually involves a description of the property, details about its location, an analysis of use, a review of nearby similar properties, and, finally, information regarding local real estate trends. The appraiser is a neutral party whose sole purpose to provide an unbiased opinion of the market value of your home whether or not it is a if it’s a purchase or refinance. The appraisal is primarily used to make sure that neither the buyer nor the lender is about to enter into a questionable financial agreement.
Neighborhood Attributes
Let’s begin with a big-picture overview.
Type of Neighborhood: Is the home in an urban, suburban, or rural location?
Neighborhood Growth: Is the area growing in size? Is there steady demand for homes? Are property values for your particular home, ranch, two story, bi-level increasing, declining, or stable?
Neighborhood Land Use: An appraiser evaluates how the property is being used. What is the properties Highest and Best Use
. Design and Style: An appraiser will consider the architectural style of the home. Think modern, ranch, craftsman, colonial, mid-century, and so on.
Do I have an escape path? Make sure that you know where you can safely turn or step if you must safely escape a dangerous surprise, such as bees or sparks. An unfortunately placed shovel or extension cord, for instance, can turn a quick jerk into a dangerous fall.
Are the Floors Wet?: Never touch any electrical equipment while standing on a wet surface!
Does the Panel Box Appear to be Wet?: Check overhead for dripping water that has condensed on a cold water pipe. Moisture can arrive in more ways than you can imagine.
Is the Box Rusty?: Rust is an indication of previous wet conditions that may still exist.
Is the Panel Cover on the Box?: This may or may not be an issue. If the cover is off the box the appraiser should inquire to the agent/ homeowner as to why.
Car Storage: This refers to proper parking areas, not how many vehicles could theoretically fit on the front lawn. Garages (attached or detached), carports, and driveway will be evaluated — as well as the driveway surface type (pavement, gravel, dirt, and so on).
Appliances: An appraiser will take note of present appliances, which may include: a refrigerator, stove, oven, dishwasher, microwave, washer and dryer, and others. The appraiser should inquire to the agent/ homeowner as to the age of those appliances. The list below is the age life of some of the components of your home.
Faucets and Fixtures: Kitchen sinks made of modified acrylic will last 50 years, while kitchen faucets will work properly for about 15 years. The average life of bathroom shower enclosures is 50 years. Showerheads last a lifetime, while shower doors will last about 20 years. Bath cabinets and toilets have an unlimited lifespan, but the components inside the toilet tank do require some maintenance. Whirlpool tubs will function properly for 20 to 50 years, depending on use.
At the Urban Coalition of Appraisal Professionals, we actively monitor the latest trends and advancements in the urban real estate market. This enables us to continuously update our training programs, ensuring they remain relevant and current.
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